Steven Basra



Steve graduated from Southern California University of Health Science with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2003. After working as an associate at busy multidisciplinary clinic, Steve established and opened Total Care Chiropractic and Rehab Inc. in 2005. Steve practices evidenced based diversified chiropractic, implementing a combination of treatment options and modalities including, chiropractic manipulation and mobilization, active release therapy, theralase laser therapy, keniso taping techniques and the use of orthotics when indicated. There is not just one way to treat a patient and what may work for one patient may not work for another, some patients will need a combination of treatment to attain their desired health goal. This is the reason that Steve has surrounded himself with a great team of practitioners at Total Care which included physiotherapist, massage therapist and kinesiologist which all have a great deal of expertise and wide range of skills to help patients attain there health and rehab goals.

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